BUS 320 Business Data Analysis and Interpretation
Subject to revision
- Instructor: Elizabeth Stanny, PhD
- Email: stanny@sonoma.edu
- Online Zoom office hours: MTW 4-5 PM or by appointment
Course description
This is an applied course that builds upon knowledge acquired from lower-division statistics coursework. It exposes students to the research and data analysis practices executed in the business world. A focus of this course is on generating reproducible analyses using the R programming language.
- Pre-Business requirements
- Proficiency in spreadsheet software
Course materials
- R/RStudio
- Slides and readings are here
- Course site: stanny.moodle.school. If you are enrolled in the course, I will send you login information.
- If you have any questions about the site, please ask me.
Learning objectives
- Determine question want to answer with data analysis
- Extract, transform and load relevant data (ETL process)
- Apply appropriate data analytic methods
- Interpret and present the results
Schedule is here
There are 1000 possible points in the course. Your grade will be determined by your total points:
Grade | Points |
A | 950 |
A- | 900 |
B+ | 870 |
B | 830 |
B- | 800 |
C+ | 770 |
C | 730 |
C- | 700 |
D+ | 670 |
D | 600 |
Quizzes, Assignments and Feedback (800 points)
Website 200 points
- You must adhere to SSU’s Cheating and Plagiarism policy. Academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, etc.) will not be tolerated and will result in a zero grade (i.e., no points) on the quiz or exam and, possibly, a failing grade in the course.
- Please be advised that the on-line software allows me to track every click you make on the course site. I know whether, when and where you attempt quizzes, access notes, etc.
- There are no opportunities for points not listed above. Please do not ask.
- Disability Services for Students (DSS)
- Academic Accommodation: If you are a student with a disability, and think you may need academic accommodations, please contact Disability Services for Students (DSS), located in Salazar Hall, Room 1049, Voice: (707) 664-2677, TTY/TDD: (707) 664-2958, as early as possible in order to avoid a delay in receiving accommodation services. Use of DSS services, including testing accommodations, requires prior authorization by DSS in compliance with university policies and procedures.
- Students may not record (audio or video) in this class except in accordance with ADA accommodations. Any recordings made in connection with a disability accommodation are for the student’s personal academic use only and may not be distributed in any manner to any other individual.